About the School

"A Caring School Where Adventures Happen"
About QEII School

QEII is a caring, friendly school which is dedicated to enabling every pupil to fulfil their potential and live happy and fulfilled lives both now and in the future.  Through our creative stimulating curriculum and a wide range of other activities, pupils are encouraged to grow in independence confidence and self-esteem, being proud in all that they achieve.

Our school caters for pupils aged 2 – 19 with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties. Many of our pupils have other additional needs including physical, medical, sensory and autistic spectrum disorder as well as communication needs which is placed at the forefront of their learning. We have an experienced staff team who are dedicated to the learning and holistic care of every pupil. Individualised programmes are tailored to meet their specific needs, including life skills, while making learning fun and enabling pupils to make outstanding progress.

The school is organised into two departments; primary which includes our Early years nursery provision, key stage 1 and 2 and secondary which includes key stage 3 and 4 and our college (16-19 years), each having a head of department. Each class has a teacher and two or more support assistants. Our large therapy team including speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, an occupational therapist and clinical psychologist are supported by our higher level teaching assistants for communication, physical, sensory and behaviour. We also have a higher level teaching assistant to support our ASDAN and Forest School programmes and a full time school nurse.

We are committed to our creative arts curriculum through which we see our pupils transformed. Throughout their time at the school, pupils take part in various events including the Shakespeare Schools festival, Horsham dance festival, Sing it and sign it and participation in school and other local events. Pupils take pride in their performances and in their contribution to the wider community.

We promote and share a pride in our pupils’ achievements and actively encourage partnership with our families through participation and mutual support. Throughout the school year parents and carers have opportunities to share in the excitement of their child’s learning journey as we work together to ensure that they are happy, eager learners who through small steps are empowered to move onto the next stage of their lives.

I hope that you find our website informative, however only a personal visit will give you a feel and a real insight into our school. If you would like to arrange a visit or would like to discuss anything further, please contact the school office. We are always happy to talk about our school.