Parent Support

QEII Connections


Parents / Carers are invited to come into school once a half term to meet with each other and discuss a range of subjects. Parents are invited to indicate what subjects they would like covered in these sessions. 


Behaviour Support


Alison Mullineux and Anastasia O'Donoghue are trained Team Teach Instructors who are also available to support parents. 





We have a mental health team in school who along with Emily Morphew our school nurse can support mental health and wellbeing. Contact the school office for an appointment.



Parent Partnership

This group consists of Helen Elphick and parent reps from each class.  The group meets twice a term to ensure that the partnership between home and school is effective.



Friends of QEII – PTFA


This group meets regularly to provide support and arrange social and fund raising events.

Please look in Community on the website or ask in the school office for more information. 01403 266215