Taskmaster Club Welcome

"Taskmaster Education takes the joy and silliness of the hit Channel 4 TV show and uses it with children to promote teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, problem solving and communication skills, all while having lots of fun!"

As part of our Gifted and Talented programme, we are taking part in "Taskmaster Club". This is an activity session linked to the television show "Taskmaster", organised by Taskmaster Education and co-presented by Alex Horne from the show via video prompts. The sessions run once a week at lunchtime. Students from the Seniors and Globetrotters classes have the opportunity to take part, working in teams and competing to win the most points over the course of the term. 
Each week's Club follows the established Taskmaster format. Members are challenged to come up with an item for the Prize Task that best fulfils a criteria set the previous week, then they are set two Tasks to complete, with a third Task available if there is enough time. Once they've completed their own Tasks, there is an opportunity to watch how the celebrities and comedians handled a similar challenge in a clip from the show itself.
The teams' efforts are given scores and there's a running total across all the sessions to see who will the Taskmaster Champions for the term. In addition, for some weeks the Task is a "Head2Head" task, where the winning team's work is sent to Taskmaster Education to be judged against the other schools taking part, for the chance of an extra prize. So far our teams have won a first and a fourth place nationally in these Head2Head competitions, up against mainstream schools across the country.
The sessions are designed for mainstream groups but we have adapted them to ensure they are suitable for our students. If you've seen the TV show, don't worry as the video content we use is also edited to ensure it meets a Universal - Suitable For All rating!
Parents & carers of students taking part in Taskmaster Club are able to access detailed reports for each session via their Earwig learning assessment accounts.
You can use the links below and to the left to view the photos and videos for each session, divided by term for easy access.