School Community

Assemblies and Houses

Our school week is bookended by two whole school assemblies which aim to educate and celebrate the very best of our school, local and wider community.  The focus of our Monday assembly is to introduce our British Value of the week through our Yoimoji character and celebrate the previous week’s value character through the giving of student council certificates and badges.  Our Friday assembly has a community or global theme and is also a time to celebrate student achievement, behavior and attitude through the giving of ‘Well Done’ postcards and Head teacher awards. 

Each student is a member of one of three houses at QEII which are all based on explorers: Earhart, MacArthur and Hillary.  During the week students have the opportunity to earn treasure in the form of coins which will then be added to their house’s grand total for the term.  The winning house receives a non-uniform day on the last day at the end of each term.  Coins are awarded for achievement, attitude and behavior both in school and outside of the school whilst in our local and wider community.


School Council

Our school council is made up of a representative of each class who are voted in each term by their class. They meet every Friday morning with the headteacher. The main focus of this meeting is to discuss and celebrate how the weeks Yoimoji, which promote British Values, has been lived out daily in our school community. The council bring examples from their classes and create a poster which is then displayed for the week in the school hall, emailed home and put on our website. Members can vote for one person in each class to be given a badge and certificate to celebrate their achievement and this is given out at the Monday discuss issues of importance to the school and students.

The School Council provides an opportunity for students to raise issues which are important to them, their class and the school. These can include asking for equipment or events.


Eco Council

We are currently setting up an Eco-Schools Committee to support our work with Less CO2. Pupils are involved in reducing our carbon footprint as well as our energy bills.   


Playground Buddies

During lunch times some of the senior students support the primary department by taking on the role of a playground buddy. They help on the playground by playing games and being a good a role model. They also help in the lunch hall by sitting with the children, chatting  and  encouraging communication whilst also supporting them to make healthy choices


Library Monitors

Each term the senior classes nominate a student from their class to be a library monitor. The students take their roles very seriously and ensure that the library is clean and tidy at the end of each week as well as doing daily spot checks. The monitors also promote the library and encourage others to use it for choosing books, reading and using the ‘Mighty Writer’ 


Work Experience

Our sixth form students have the opportunity to learn about the world of work through internal and external work experience and our community week which usually runs in the summer term.  During this week students will visit various local businesses and industry and complete modules on topics such as Health and Safety, responsibilities and working with others that will all help them to gain a Workright ASDAN qualification and also give them an insight into the employment opportunities available to them when they complete their education.