
Pilots Class is a Key Stage 2 Class for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. We currently have 12 students, 1 teacher and 4 Special Support Assistants who work with the children throughout the week. Our children follow an individualised curriculum tailored to meet their specific needs and aid in their progress towards their individualised targets. Students spend time learning in small groups one to one and as a whole class to best support their achievement and interpersonal skills.

Our curriculum is based off of the Cornerstones Curriculum and is adapted to suit the needs and learning style of our pupils. We teach through termly topics which are inspired by the children and their interests meaning the children are motivated to engage with their learning. Students through their daily activities are given the chance to develop their independence, creativity, sensory understanding and life skills.

We use a variety of augmentative and alternative communication strategies, enabling our students to express their wants, needs and interests throughout their communication development. The strategies we use include speech, Makaton, PODD, PECS, symbols, photographs, objects of reference and sensory cueing.