(The Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network)
Students in Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 follow the ASDAN programme alongside their other studies; ‘Transition Challenge’ for our sensory students, ‘Towards independence’ for all other senior students and ‘Personal Progress’ or ‘Personal and Social Development’ for those students in sixth form.
In the senior school, pupils follow modules that reflect the National Curriculum but are designed to prepare them for their move into the Sixth Form.
Transition Challenge
This builds upon prior learning and is designed primarily around the 5 Priority Learning Units that focus on the social, personal and pre-vocational skills that prepare students for further study, for work and life.
These are a series of challenges that are mainly undertaken by our pupils with PMLD at Key Stages 3 and 4.
Towards independence provides a framework of activities to develop and accredit personal, social, work-related and independent living skills.
Modules cover the following themes:
- Communication and numeracy
- Creative studies
- Cultural
- Independent living
- Leisure, recreation and sport
- Personal development, PSHE and citizenship
- Work-related
Personal Progress
This is a qualification made up of units that are between 2 and 5 credits. These are added together over the years and the learner is awarded an Award, Certificate or Diploma according to the number of credits achieved.
The assessment process is ongoing and the member of staff delivering the course collects evidence which is externally moderated. The wide range of areas includes English, Maths, Independent Living Skills, Preparation for the Workplace and Engaging in the World Around Us, depending on the level of the learner.
Personal Progress qualifications are undertaken by Key Stage 4 and Post 16 pupils working below and up to Entry Level One including those with PMLD.
Personal and Social Development
(PSD) qualifications offer imaginative ways of supporting young people in:
- becoming confident individuals who are physically, emotionally and socially healthy
- being responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society and embrace change
- managing risk together with their own wellbeing
As well as introducing students to new activities and personal challenges.
More recently in sixth form we have begun using ‘The Employability’ qualifications within ASDAN to provide a framework for developing and recognising general employability skills at Entry Level 2 to Level 2.